Kleurrijke bloemen mokken voor koffie of thee! Emma Bridgewater Flower mokken combineren erg leuk met elkaar.


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  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Foxgloves - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Foxgloves - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Vingerhoedskruid​ mokFoxgloves can grow up to two metres tall: we've hopefully captured enough of their beauty here on this Foxgloves 1/2 Pint Mug.

    ∙ Maat: 9,6 cm hoog, Ø 12,1 cm
    ∙ Inhoud: 284 ml

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Pink Peony - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Pink Peony - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Roze pioenroos mokPeonies are flamboyant bouffants of fragrant gorgeousness, as shown on our Pink Peony 1/2 Pint Mug.

    ∙ Maat: 9,6 cm hoog, Ø 12,1 cm
    ∙ Inhoud: 284 ml
    ∙ Materiaal: Engels aardewerk

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Poppy - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Poppy - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Klaprozen mokPoppies will self-seed and continue their message of hope and remembrance year after year in your garden – and in your kitchen too, thanks to the Poppy 1/2 Pint Mug.

    ∙ Maat: 9,6 cm hoog, Ø 12,1…

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Poppy - 1/2 Pint Mug *b-keuze*
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Poppy - 1/2 Pint Mug *b-keuze*

    Emma Bridgewater
    Klaprozen mokLet op: deze mok is een b-keuze wegens missend glazuur op meerdere plakken, zie foto 7.

    Poppies will self-seed and continue their message of hope and remembrance year after year in your garden –…

    € 31,95 € 24,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Snowdrop - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Snowdrop - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Sneeuwklokje mok∙ Maat: 9,3 cm hoog, Ø 12,1 cm met oor
    ∙ Inhoud: 284 ml
    ∙ Materiaal: aardewerk
    ∙ Cherish one of the first signs that your garden is coming back to life after all those winter months:…

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Tete-A-Tete & Grape Hyacinth - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Tete-A-Tete & Grape Hyacinth - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Tete-A-Tete en blauwe druifjes mokLittle bells of cobalt blue on grape hyacinths harmonise so perfectly with the deep gold trumpets of miniature daffodils – as seen here on our Tete-A-Tete & Grape Hyacinth 1/2…

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Bluebell - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Bluebell - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Wilde hyacint mok∙ Maat: 9,6 cm hoog, Ø12,1 cm
    ∙ Inhoud: 284 ml
    ∙ Materiaal: aardewerk
    ∙ Swathes of bluebells in the wood are surely one of spring's most uplifting sights, just like our Bluebell 1/2 Pint…

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Blue Iris - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Blue Iris - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Blauwe IrisFor a flower lover or maybe for your favourite blue-eyed person? A Flowers Blue Iris 1/2 Pint Mug.

    ∙ Maat: 9,3 cm hoog, Ø 12,1 cm met oor
    ∙ Inhoud: 284 ml
    ∙ Materiaal: aardewerk
    ∙ Alle…

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Crocus - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Crocus - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Krokus mokThe sight of crocuses stubbornly pushing their way up through wintry soil to bring in springtime is such a joy to behold: you can enjoy these cup-shaped jewels all year on this Crocus 1/2 Pint Mug.


    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Tulips - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Tulips - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Tulpen mokA whole field of tulips is yours to enjoy on this Tulips 1/2 Pint Mug, not to mention the matching plates and bowl.

    ∙ Maat: 9,6 cm hoog, Ø 12,1 cm
    ∙ Inhoud: 284 ml
    ∙ Materiaal: Engels…

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Foxgloves - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Foxgloves - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Vingerhoedskruid​ mok∙ Maat: 9,3 cm hoog, diameter 8,2 cm (inclusief oor 12,1 cm)
    ∙ Inhoud: 284 ml
    ∙ Materiaal: aardewerk
    ∙ Solving the day's cryptic crossword is always easier with a coffee in your…

    € 31,95
  • Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Cornflower - 1/2 Pint Mug
    Emma Bridgewater Flowers - Cornflower - 1/2 Pint Mug

    Emma Bridgewater
    Korenbloem​ mok∙ Inhoud: 284 ml
    ∙ Maat: 9,6 cm hoog, Ø 12,1 cm
    ∙ Materiaal: aardewerk
    ∙ All that seed planting takes a lot of effort but now you can sit back and admire your wild flower garden…

    € 31,95
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